Sunday, May 4, 2008

international car rental insurance

All travellers, especially those with pre-existing medical conditions, should have a thorough check-up and necessary vaccinations before leaving home. Diseases like yellow fever, dengue fever, cholera, and malaria are problematic in many areas. Evidence of valid inoculations may be required to travel between some countries in South America.

The above tips are just a sample of the knowledge travellers should be armed with before setting off. The British Foreign and Commonwealth Office 'Know before You Go' campaign is an excellent resource for travellers. Their 'Travel Advice by Country' section contains current travel updates and advisories and the Travellers Checklist is another useful tool. Young travellers should pay attention to their Gap Year information. Avoid attracting the attention of police, keep the locals happy, and impress your travel companions with your awareness of local customs, laws and expected etiquette for each country.

Adventure travellers and adrenalin junkies will find plenty of outdoor activities and thrills. Activities like kayaking, white water rafting, surfing, hiking, mountain biking and mountaineering are popular. Care should be taken to ensure that the correct travel insurance policy is purchased which will provide cover for any potentially hazardous sports activities. Chile and Argentina are popular destinations for downhill skiing during the UK summer months and, again; don't forget that additional insurance coverage may be needed.

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