Sunday, May 4, 2008

age 17 car insurance

The cheapest car insurance you can buy in Alabama and still drive legally is what is known as a 20/40/10 basic liability policy.

This policy pays a maximum of $20,000 in medical payments to any one individual who is hurt during an accident with your vehicle. This policy will pay a maximum of $40,000 to cover the medical bills of everyone involved in an accident with your car, regardless of how many people are hurt or what the extent of their injuries are. The final "10" refers to $10,000 as a maximum property damages payment, which typically pays for the repair of the other person's car.

There are two things you have to keep in mind if you decide to buy the cheapest car insurance you can in Alabama. First, basic liability pays ZERO for your medical bills or for the medical bills of anyone in your car at the time of an accident plus basic liability pays ZERO for the repair of your car. You're on your own when it comes to getting yourself repaired or getting your car repaired.

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