Sunday, May 4, 2008

auto car truck insurance nanaimo

If you are in school, stay there and get good grades. Any driver 25 or younger who remains in school and gets at least a "B" grade average can save a minimum of 5% and possibly more every single month.

Do you use a steering wheel locking device when you park your car? If so, that could save you money every month. Talk to your agent about other inexpensive anti-theft devices which can save you even more.

Driving less can save you more. If you can use public transportation whenever possible and you can get your driving down to less than 500 miles per month you could qualify for a Low Mileage Discount. If you can carpool to work you can save quite a bit on your car insurance. Just let your agent know that you are only driving half as many miles each month in rush hour traffic.

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